Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 12, 2022

when the bodhisattva obtains the Bodhicitta-herb

“In like  manner, when the bodhisattva obtains the Bodhicitta-herb of all – knowledge, the fire of greed can not burn him, the poison of anger can not kill him, the sword of the passion cannot hurt him, the ocean of becoming can not drown him and the smoke of various philosophies can not suffocate him.


Like a man who has the mystic herb of liberation whereby all calamities are warded off, the bodhisattva when he is the owner of the Bodhicitta-herb of knowledge, is kept forever out of the reach of  Birth And Death.


Like a man who has Maghi-herb which keeps away all poisonous snakes on account of the fragrance it emits, the Bodhisattva who is in possession of the Bodhicitta keeps away all the poisonous makes of the passions by means of the fragrance issuing from the Citta.


Like a man who, being the possessor of the charm known as Invincible, is never vanquished by his enemy, the bodhisattva becomes unconquerable by the antagonistic army of the Evil one when he is the possessor of the invincible Bodhicitta-charm of all – knowledge.


Like a man who by virtue of possessing the charm known as Vigama, makes every arrow against him fall on the ground, the Bodhisattva who is in possession of the Vigama-remedy of the  Bodhicitta makes fall every arrow of greed, anger and  folly and also that of false speculation, which may be directed against him.

 Like a man who being in possession of the great charm called Sudarsana wards off every sort of disease, the Bodhisattva who has the great Sudarsana-charm of the Bodhicitta becomes free from the disease of knowledge as well as the disease of passions.

There is a great medicinal tree called Santana, the bark of which has a great healing quality for all kinds of sore and yet the tree always retains its complete form because as soon as the bark is peeled off, new bark grows.

In like manner, from the Bodhicitta cherished by the bodhisattva there grows the tree of all- knowledge and those who see it and believe it have their passion and karma sores completely healed and yet the tree of all –knowledge shows no signs from the first of growing the less effective.

There is a great medicinal tree known as Anirvrittamula, by virtue of which all the trees in Jambudvipa gain the strength to grow.

Bodhicitta being cherished by the bodhisattva has the power to keep all the learners, the Arhats, the pratyekaBuddhas and the Bodhisattvas strong in all things good.


There is a medicinal plant known as Ratilambhya, which being rubbed on the body will make the mind as well as the body strong and healthy.

In like manner, when the Bodhisattva takes hold of the Ratilambhya plant of Bodhicitta he grows strong and healthy in his mind and body.


There is a medicinal plant known as Good Memory. when this is given, the memory is improved. In like manner, when the Good- memory plant of Bodhicitta is administered the bodhisattva retains in his mind every good truth of Buddhism.


There is a medicinal plant known as great- Lotus- Flower which gives one a kalpa-long life.

In like manner, when the Great-Lotus-Flower medicine of Bodhicitta is given to the Bodhisattva, his life will be prolonged as he wishes, even for a countless number of kalpas.


There is a  medicinal plant known as Invisible which makes one invisible both to human beings and to non- human  beings. In like manner, when the Invisible medicinal plant of Bodhicitta is taken, the Bodhisattva in whatever condition he may wander becomes invisible to all evil ones.


There is a gem, king of gems, in the great ocean, which is known as All-gem-treasure-collection (Sarva -mani -ratna -samuccaya) when this is present, even the world-end fire which may destroy all the other worlds can not consume even a drop of water in this ocean.

In like manner, when the bodhicitta is cherished in the heart of the Bodhisattva, which is to him the Gem-King, Sarva -mani -ratna –samuccaya, not one jot of the great vows directed towards all- knowledge will ever disappear from him.


Let, however, his aspiration after All- knowledge  be reduced to nothing and all his stock of merit will vanish.


There is a gem known as all- illumination-mass (Sarva-prabhasa- samuccaya), prince of all gems, which outshines,when it is worn as a necklace, all other ornamental  jewelries.


In like manner, the  Sarva-prabhasa- samuccaya gem  of the Bodhicitta cherished by the Bodhisattva, which he wears as his spiritual necklace, outshines all the ornaments decorating the minds of Sravakas and Pratyekabuddhas.



Chapter 39: “Entering the Dharma Realm”



Briefly, let it be known that the merits of the BODHICITTA are as numerous as the truths of BUDDHISM and the merits of BUDDHAHOOD.

Chapter 39: “Entering the Dharma Realm”



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