Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 12, 2022

BODHICITTA - chapter 39, avatamsaka sutra



1.Bodhicitta [ that is, the desire for enlightenment] is like a seed because from it grows all the truths of Buddhism.

2.It is like a farm because here are produced all things of purity for the world.

3.The bodhicitta is like the earth because all the worlds are supported by it.

4.It is like water because all the dirt of the passions is thereby cleansed.

5.It is like the wind because it blows all over the world with nothing obstructing its course.

6.It is like fire because it consumes all the fuel of bad logic.

7.The Bodhicitta is like the sun because it leaves nothing unenlightened on earth.

8.It is like the moon because it fills to perfection all things of purity.

9.It is like a lamp because it perceives where the road is even and where it is uneven.

10.The bodhicitta is like a highway because it leads one to the city of knowledge.

11.It is like a sacred ford because it keeps away all that is not proper.

12. It is like a carriage because it carries all the Bodhisattvas.


13.It is like a door because it opens to all the doings of the Bodhisattva.

14.The Bodhicitta is like a mansion because it is the retreat where Samadhi and meditation are practiced.

15.It is like a park because it is where the enjoyment of truth (Dharmarati ) is experiences.

16.It is like a dwelling-house because it is where all the world is comfortably sheltered. it is like a refuge because it gives a salutary abode to all beings.

17.It is like an asylum because it is where all the bodhisattvas walk.

18.The bodhicitta is like a father because it protects all the Bodhisattvas.

19.It is like a mother because it brings up all the Bodhisattvas.

20.It is like a nurse because it takes care of all the Bodhisattvas.

21.It is like a good friend because it gives good advice to all the Bodhisattvas.

22.It is  like a king because it overpowers the minds of all the Sravakas and the Pratyekabuddhas.


23.It is like a great sovereign because it fulfills all the  excellent vows.

24.The bodhicitta is like a great ocean because it harbours all the gems of virtues.

25.It is like Mount Sumeru because it towers impartially above all things.

26.It is like Mount Cakravada because it supports all the world.

27.It is like Mount Himalaya because it produces all sorts of knowledge-herbs.

28.It is like Mount Gandhamadana because it harbours all kinds of virtue-fragrance.

29. It is like space because it infinitely spreads out the merit of goodness.

30.The Bodhicitta is like a lotus-flower because it is never spoiled by things of this world.

31.It is like an elephant because it is obedient.

32.It is like a well-bred horse because it is free from evil nature.

33.It is like a Charioteer because it keeps watch over all the truths of the Mahayana.


34.The BODHICITTA is like a MEDICINE because it heals all DISEASES  of the PASSIONS.

35.It is like a charm because it submerges all that is evil.

36.It is like a VAJRA because it penetrates into everything.

37.The Bodhicitta is like a BOX OF INCENSE because it contains the FRAGRANCE OF VIRTUE.

38.It is like a great flower because it delights those who catch the sight of it.

39.It is like sandal-wood because it cools off the heat of greed.

40.It is like Kalapa because its fragrance penetrates through all Dharmadhatu.

41.The Bodhicitta is like  Sudarsana which is the king of medicine because it destroys all the diseases arising from the passions ( klesa).

42.It is  like a salve called Vigama because it draws out all the  arrows of the passions.

43.The  bodhicitta is like Indra because it is the overlord of all the gods.


44. The Bodhicitta is like VAISRAVAṆA because it destroys all the PAIN of POVERTY.

45.It is like Sri because it is embellished with all the virtues.

46.The Bodhicitta is like an ornament because all the Bodhisattvas are decorated with it.

47.It is like the kalpa-consuming fire because it burns up all corruption.

48.It is like a great medicinal herb known as Anirvrittamula because it brings up all the truths of Buddhism.

49.The Bodhicitta is like a Naga-gem because it nullifies the poison of all the passions.

50.It is like a transparent water-gem because it purifies the turbidness of all the passions.

51.It is like a Cintamani ( wish-gem) because it supplies all the wealth one desires.

52.It is like a MAGIC JAR because it fulfills every desire. it is like a wish-granting- tree because from it are showered all the virtue-ornaments.

53.The Bodhicitta is like a robe made of goose-feathers because it is never stained the dirt of birth and death.


54.It is like pure Karpasa thread  because it remains from the first brilliantly luminous.

55.The Bodhicitta is like a plough because it clears the mind-field of all beings.

56. It is like the iron arrows of Narayana because it strikes down the view of an ego-soul.

57.It is like an arrow because it pierces the target of pain. it is like a spear because it vanquishes the enemy known as passion.

58. It is like a coat of mail because it protects the mind that conforms to rationality.

59.It is like a scimitar because it cuts off the heads of the passions.

60.It is like a sword-blade because it cuts through the armour of pride, conceit and arrogance.

61.It is like a razor because it cuts the passions.

62.It is like a banner of a brave fighter because it bears down the banner of Mara.

63.It is like a sharp cutter because it rends asunder the tree of ignorance.


64.It is like an axe because it chops the wood of sufferings.

65.It is like a weapon because it protects one from violence.

66.The bodhicitta is like a hand because it guards the body of the Paramitas.

 67.It is like a foot because it gives a support to virtue and knowledge.

68.The bodhicitta is like  a surgical instrument because it removes the sheath and film of ignorance.

69.It is like a pair of tweezers because it picks out the splinter of the ego-soul.

70.It is like a bedstead because it gives rest to the vexations of the passions.

71.The bodhicitta is like a good friend because it loosens all the bondage of birth and death.

72.It is like being in possession of wealth because it wards off poverty.

73.It is like a great teacher because it  points out the way  to the devotional life of the Bodhisattva.



74.It is like a depository of treasure because it contains an imperishable mind of merit.

75.It is like a fountain because from it issues an inexhaustible supply of knowledge.

76.The Bodhicitta is like a mirror  because it reveals all the images of truth.

77.It is like a lotus-flower because it is stainless.

78.It is like a great river because in it flow the Paramitas as well as the rules of acceptance.

79.It is like the lord of serpents because it showers clouds of good truths.

80.It is like the giver of life because it supports the great compassionate heart of  the Bodhisattva.

81.The bodhicitta is like nectar because it makes one abide in the realm of immortality.

82.It is like an all-trapping net because it gathers and draws up every tractable being.

83.The bodhicitta is like a basket of sandal-wood because it contains all the fragrance of virtue.

84.It is like medicinal AGADA because it preserves one’s perfect health.


85.It is like an antidotal medicine because it counteracts the poison of sensuous pleasures.

86.It is like a magical charm because it wipes out the poisonous effect of irrationality.

87.The bodhicitta is like a whirlwind because it sweeps away every obstruction and oppositions before it.

88.It is like an isle of treasure because it produces the treasure of  every factor of enlightenment.

89.It is like a good family because from it issues every work of purity.

90.It is like a dwelling-house because it is where everything virtuous has its refuge.

91.It is like a city because it is where all the Bodhisattvas like merchants carry on their business.

92.The bodhicitta is like quicksilver because  it clears up all the hindrances of karma and the passions.

93.It is like a  honey preparation because it completes the provisions for the attainment of all- knowledge.

94.The Bodhicitta is like the highway beause it leads all the  bodhisattvas to the city of all- knowledge.


95.It is like a repository because it holds all the works of purity.

96.It is like a shower because it washes away the dust of  the passions.

97.It is like a shelter because it provides all the bodhisattvas with the instructions they need for their settlement.

98.It is like the loadstone because it refuses to attract  the fruit of Emancipation attained by the Sravakas.

99.It is like lapis lazuli because it is by nature stainless.

100.It is like a sapphire because it far surpasses all the knowledge that is realized by the sravakas and Pratyekabuddhas as well as by people of the world.

101.The bodhicitta is like a kettle-drum because it awakens all beings from their sleep in the passions.

102.It is like pure water because it is essentially limpid and stainless.

103.It is  like Jambunada gold because it outshines all the stocks of merit obtainable in this world of created things.

104.It is the great prince of mountains because it towers above all the world.


105.The Bodhicitta is like a shelter because it never refuses anyone that may come.

106.It is like a real substance because there is in it nothing that is unreal.

107.It is like a wish-fulfilling gem because it satisfies every heart.

108.The bodhicitta is like a sacrificial utensil because by it all the world is gratified.

109.It is like an enlightened one because there is nothing in worldly-mindedness that is comparable to it.

110.It is like a rope because it lifts up all the truths of Buddhism.

 111.The bodhicitta is like a good binder because it holds the life and the vows of the Bodhisattva.

112.It is like a protector because it protects the entire world.

113.It is like a watchman because it holds back all that is  bad.

114.It is like Indra’s net because it subdues the passions which resemble the Asuras.

115.It is  like VARURA’s chain because it draws and controls.

116.It is like Indras’s fire because it consumes all  the habit-energy, passions and impure desires.

117.It is like a CAITYA because it is respected by all the world, by human beings and by Asuras.


“In like  manner, when the bodhisattva obtains the Bodhicitta-herb of all – knowledge, the fire of greed can not burn him, the poison of anger can not kill him, the sword of the passion cannot hurt him, the ocean of becoming can not drown him and the smoke of various philosophies can not suffocate him.


Like a man who has the mystic herb of liberation whereby all calamities are warded off, the bodhisattva when he is the owner of the Bodhicitta-herb of knowledge, is kept forever out of the reach of  Birth And Death.


Like a man who has Maghi-herb which keeps away all poisonous snakes on account of the fragrance it emits, the Bodhisattva who is in possession of the Bodhicitta keeps away all the poisonous makes of the passions by means of the fragrance issuing from the Citta.


Like a man who, being the possessor of the charm known as Invincible, is never vanquished by his enemy, the bodhisattva becomes unconquerable by the antagonistic army of the Evil one when he is the possessor of the invincible Bodhicitta-charm of all – knowledge.


Like a man who by virtue of possessing the charm known as Vigama, makes every arrow against him fall on the ground, the Bodhisattva who is in possession of the Vigama-remedy of the  Bodhicitta makes fall every arrow of greed, anger and  folly and also that of false speculation, which may be directed against him.

 Like a man who being in possession of the great charm called Sudarsana wards off every sort of disease, the Bodhisattva who has the great Sudarsana-charm of the Bodhicitta becomes free from the disease of knowledge as well as the disease of passions.

There is a great medicinal tree called Santana, the bark of which has a great healing quality for all kinds of sore and yet the tree always retains its complete form because as soon as the bark is peeled off, new bark grows.

In like manner, from the Bodhicitta cherished by the bodhisattva there grows the tree of all- knowledge and those who see it and believe it have their passion and karma sores completely healed and yet the tree of all –knowledge shows no signs from the first of growing the less effective.

There is a great medicinal tree known as Anirvrittamula, by virtue of which all the trees in Jambudvipa gain the strength to grow.

Bodhicitta being cherished by the bodhisattva has the power to keep all the learners, the Arhats, the pratyekaBuddhas and the Bodhisattvas strong in all things good.


There is a medicinal plant known as Ratilambhya, which being rubbed on the body will make the mind as well as the body strong and healthy.

In like manner, when the Bodhisattva takes hold of the Ratilambhya plant of Bodhicitta he grows strong and healthy in his mind and body.


There is a medicinal plant known as Good Memory. when this is given, the memory is improved. In like manner, when the Good- memory plant of Bodhicitta is administered the bodhisattva retains in his mind every good truth of Buddhism.


There is a medicinal plant known as great- Lotus- Flower which gives one a kalpa-long life.

In like manner, when the Great-Lotus-Flower medicine of Bodhicitta is given to the Bodhisattva, his life will be prolonged as he wishes, even for a countless number of kalpas.


There is a  medicinal plant known as Invisible which makes one invisible both to human beings and to non- human  beings. In like manner, when the Invisible medicinal plant of Bodhicitta is taken, the Bodhisattva in whatever condition he may wander becomes invisible to all evil ones.


There is a gem, king of gems, in the great ocean, which is known as All-gem-treasure-collection (Sarva -mani -ratna -samuccaya) when this is present, even the world-end fire which may destroy all the other worlds can not consume even a drop of water in this ocean.

In like manner, when the bodhicitta is cherished in the heart of the Bodhisattva, which is to him the Gem-King, Sarva -mani -ratna –samuccaya, not one jot of the great vows directed towards all- knowledge will ever disappear from him.


Let, however, his aspiration after All- knowledge  be reduced to nothing and all his stock of merit will vanish.


There is a gem known as all- illumination-mass (Sarva-prabhasa- samuccaya), prince of all gems, which outshines,when it is worn as a necklace, all other ornamental  jewelries.


In like manner, the  Sarva-prabhasa- samuccaya gem  of the Bodhicitta cherished by the Bodhisattva, which he wears as his spiritual necklace, outshines all the ornaments decorating the minds of Sravakas and Pratyekabuddhas.



Briefly, let it be known that the merits of the BODHICITTA are as numerous as the truths of BUDDHISM and the merits of BUDDHAHOOD.


As a fire starts in a small way but blazes brighter as it takes hold of more material to burn, so does the BODHICITTA FIRE.

It may start small, but as it seizes upon more material to burn, the flame of knowledge blazes the stronger.

 As from one lamp hundreds of thousands of kotis of lamps are lighted and yet the  original lamp is not at all extinguished, nor diminished, on account of all the BODHICITTA-LAMP which are lighted from the original CITTA- LAMP kept by all the Tathagatas of the past, present and future.

***** When a lamp is brought into a dark house, the DARKNESS that has prevailed there for hundreds of thousands of years is dispersed and replaced by the LIGHT.

In like manner, when the LAMP of the Bodhicitta is brought into the dark inner chamber of all beings where the DARKNESS of PASSION- HINDRANCES has accumulated for hundreds of thousands of indescribable kalpas, the chamber is at once brightened by the light of knowledge.

As the brightness of a lamp-light is proportional to the size of its wick, keeping up its luminosity as long as there is a supply of oil, so does the lamp of the Bodhicitta keep up its brightness which shines over the entire Dharmadhatu as long as it is well provided with the wick of the great vows and accomplished, as long as there is the oil of a compassionate heart, all kinds of Buddhist works, by disciplining beings and purifying the Buddha- Lands.


In mastering all the arts of the magician, the first step is to learn attentively by heart all the mantric formulas, for then one is able to perform all sorts of magical works.

In like manner when the Bodhisattva wishes to attain the life and wonderful activities of the BUDDHAS and Bodhisattvas, the first thing he does is to wake the  BODHICITTA  and cherish the VOWS of the Bodhisattva, for he is thereby able to start in the life that belongs to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattva.

Things created by magical art are really formless but seen as having form.

In like manner, the Bodhicitta is characterized as having no form, yet the Dharmadhatu  is seen as spreading itself fully arrayed in all sorts of virtues because of the Bodhisattva’s mind being awakened by all- knowledge.


As soon as a cat is seen approaching, all the rats run away and hide themselves in a hole.

In like manner as soon as the Bodhisattva surveys the  world with the BODHICITTA aroused in the depths of his being, all the karma and passions run away and hide themselves in a hole.


When people take hold of, or see or touch or stay with a medicinal herb bearing a magical charm in it, they are cured of Diseases.

In like manner, in the MAGICAL PILL of the BODHICITTA  all the stock of merit ever accumulated is held together with transcendental knowledge and means, and it supplies the body to the vows and knowledge belonging to the Bodhisattva, when this Bodhicitta- herb is heard or seen or remembered or lived together by sentient beings, it cures them of the diseases of EVIL PASSIONS.


As a man clad in goose-feathers is not soiled by dirt, so the Bodhisattva clad in the goose-feathers of the Bodhicitta is not soiled by the dirt of transmigration and evil passions.


That a wooden puppet holds itself together, is not disjointed and accomplishes much work, is due  to the screws.

In like manner, that the Bodhisattva is competent to accomplish works of BODHISATTVAHOOD is due to his cherishing the BODHICITTA, which is the screw holding together the body of All- Knowledge and VOWS and just because of this he is not disjointed.


Chapter 39: “Entering the Dharma Realm”









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