Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 8, 2023

Buddhist merit-making ceremony “Ram Thang Muoi”

The most important Buddhist merit-making ceremony “XIA YUAN Festival” ( Ram Thang Muoi) is the annual Tenth Lunar Month ceremony.

 “XIA YUAN Festival” for Buddhists, traditionally held on the 15th day of the 10th Lunar Month.

This occasion is to pray for blessings, peace for their families and loved ones.

Buddhists often show their Loyalty, Gratitude, Filial piety and respects to their ancestors by preparing vegetarian meals, offering fruits, candles, flowers and reciting sutra, reciting Buddha-name.

And then they  usually go to the temples to present the ritual merit-making offerings through their sutra recitations and Buddha-name recitations.

The Avatamsaka Sutra recitation sessions (only one chapter in this  precious sutra) were held at several temples in a solemn and serious atmosphere.

This is the birthday of the celestial emperor also known as the Official of Water or the God of Water. According to Taoist cosmology the three primary elements of the universe are Heaven, Earth and Water.

There are three celestial officials/emperors governing these realms and they are; the emperor of Heaven, emperor of Earth and the emperor of Water.

There are three festivals, at different times of the year that celebrate the wonders associated with these celestial emperors.

 San Yuan – known as the lantern festival, JungYuan – known as the hungry ghost festival and of course, XIA YUAN.

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