Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 8, 2023



The  AVATAMSAKA  sutra is known as the “King of Kings” of all Buddhist  sutras.

This Sutra contains the most complete explanation of the Buddha's state and the BODHISATTVA'S quest for awakening.

How much Merits, blessings we collect when we hear this great, sublime sutra.


In the words of the Venerable Master HSUAN HUA:

"The Flower Adornment ( aka AVATAMSAKA) Sutra is the sutra of the DHARMA-REALM and the sutra of EMPTY  SPACE.

To the exhaustion of the DHARMA-REALM  and EMPTY SPACE there is no place where the Avatamsaka Sutra is not present.

 Wherever the Avatamsaka Sutra is found, the BUDDHA is to be found, and also the Dharma and the Sangha of worthy sages.

That is why when the Buddha realized proper ENLIGHTENMENT, he wished to speak the Great Avatamsaka Sutra, to teach and transform the great masters of the DHARMA-BODY.

Since this sutra was a sutra of inconceivable wonder, it was then concealed within the dragon's palace for the dragon king to protect.

Afterwards Nagarjuna ('dragon-tree') Bodhisattva went to the dragon's palace, memorized it, and brought it back.

"The Avatamsaka Sutra is like an auspicious cloud in empty space, which extends throughout the Three Thousand Great Thousand World-System, raining down the SWEET DEW of DHARMA rain to moisten all living beings. 

The Avatamsaka Sutra is also like the sun, which everywhere illumines the Three Thousand World-Realm, bringing warmth to every single living being. The Avatamsaka Sutra is also like the great earth, which can produce and grow the myriad existing things.

Therefore, it can be said that any period in which the Avatamsaka Sutra exists is a period in which the proper DHARMA long remains.


"Consequently, in our daily investigation and lecturing of the Avatamsaka Sutra, the essential is to rely upon the Sutra's principles to cultivate to use the Sutra as a cure for our own personal faults.

Those who are greedy, after hearing the Avatamsaka Sutra, should rid themselves of greed.

People who have hatred, upon hearing the Sutra, should give up their hatred; and those who are stupid should stop being stupid.

The principles discussed in the Sutra are designed to correct our faults and bad habits.

It is absolutely not the case that the Sutra was Dharma spoken for Bodhisattvas with no relation to us, or that it was DHARMA spoken for Arhats with no relevance for us.

Don't think, 'All I can do as an ordinary person is listen to the Sutra.

 I could never aspire to the states of a sage.'

To think that way is to throw yourself away, to separate yourself from the sages.”


This sutra talks about the benefits of BODHICITTA, BODHISATTVA  WAY .

If  we have BODHICITTA ( Bodhi-mind), we are a Bodhisattva. This sutra contains the most complete explanation of the Buddha's state of realization and the BODHISATTVA'S quest for awakening.

 *Venerable Master HSUAN HUA also said:

"From the beginning to the end of the Avatamsaka Sutra, every phrase of the Sutra is an unsurpassed DHARMA jewel.

If we are able actually to apply the principles and cultivate according to the principles of the Sutra, then we are certain to become BUDDHAS.

For that reason the Avatamsaka Sutra can be called the Mother of all BUDDHAS.

The Avatamsaka Sutra is the DHARMA-BODY of all BUDDHAS."

The merits you get through your recitation of the Avatamsaka sutra, you can deliver the hell beings from the hell and bring them to a better rebirth,  to rebirth in Sukhavati, liberation from Samsara, and to enlightenment, to become Buddha.

It is so great and meaningful when you copy a few lines of this sutra or recite, memorize some poems in this sutra or bow to this sutra, every day. You see that the Avatamsaka sutra is a great and grandiose  sutra. Besides, you should Propagate, uphold, print, circulate, explain this  precious  sutra.

*Venerable Master HSUAN HUA explained in Chapter One of the Avatamsaka Sutra:

” In the FLOWER ADORNMENT OCEANIC ASSEMBLY, which is endless and inexhaustible, Its jeweled treasury of spiritual literature—This sutra is a jeweled treasury of spiritual literature. Anyone who recites this sutra will derive merit and benefit.

The effort will not be in vain. One will certainly gain advantages.

This sutra has sutra-rolls the size of a great trichiliocosm, which can fit in a single atomic particle, which is broken open by this very person.

One can take a knife and cut open this particle, then take out the sutra. Who can do this. You can, if you know how.

Then you will understand the principles in the Avatamsaka Sutra.

Then celestial mandarava flowers rain down in profusion, as in the line from the GREAT COMPASSION REPENTANCE, “Jeweled flowers rain down in profusion from the heavens.”

And the Dharma Realm is everywhere permeated with fragrance.

Sentient beings throughout the Dharma Realm are permeated with and can smell the Dharma-fragrance and merit of the Avatamsaka Sutra.

It is not the Dharma Realm that smells the fragrance, but the sentient beings within the Dharma Realm.

The Dharma Realm is a location, with no nature of its own.”

*It is often said: “Unless you read the Avatamsaka Sutra, you will not know of the BUDDHA'S true BLESSINGS and HONOR. The Avatamsaka Sutra is the Buddha's GREATEST STORE of TREASURES.”


*G.T-MLS  compiled.

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