Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2022

MY four VOWS


MY four VOWS:

1.I vow to fully dedicate all blessings which I had created to all the suffering living beings of the Dharma Realm.

2.I vow to do my best to promote the Buddhadharma to all sentient beings.

3 .I vow to read ten Major Mahayana Sutras such as : Brahmajala, Avatamsaka, Shurangama, Ratnakuta, Lankavatara,  Lotus, Mahaparinirvana, Prajnaparamita, Pure Land, Vimalakirti Sutra…

4.I vow to fully dedicate all money which I have  to all the  poor  living beings of the Dharma Realm.


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