Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 9, 2022





Miss Trinh is the only child of her parents.

Her father is a PhD in electronics.

Her mother also works in electronics and teaches at an university.


Her family was well-to-do and wealthy.


She studied at Polytechnic University, Faculty of Information Technology.


At that time, the entrance exam score of this department was very high.


She graduated with honors.


After leaving the university, she became a lecturer at a technical college.


She just got a job when she received a scholarship to train a master in Information Technology from South Korea.


And she went to South  Korea to study and get a master's degree in two years.


Returning to her home country, she participated in several projects with several software companies.


She has a good looking face, a tall and thin figure and she often wears trendy clothes.


She is usually friendly and easy to talk to.


However, she has experienced the three  loves, all of which did not have a happy ending, and broke up in pain.


Miss Trinh's fourth aunt had time to do business and work in Cambodia, heard people say that there was a fortune-teller in Phnom Penh who predicted fate very well.


That fortune-teller often looked at the palms of the clients.


When Miss Trinh had just graduated from university, while not having a job, the fourth aunt and Miss Trinh went to Cambodia to visit.


This aunt took Trinh to see that fortune -teller.


She looked at Miss Trinh's palm and said:


"This girl's fate has no red string, no marriage.

If she loves anyone, she'll be miserable."


Aunt and Miss Trinh also just heard that, but they did not care, they did not believe in the assertion of the fortune- teller.

Both of these people still think that Miss Trinh is rich, beautiful, highly educated…  so don't worry that she won't get a husband.


But then, she went through all three loves that ended in pain, broke up with unreasonable reasons.


Miss Trinh also took a long time to regain balance.

To this fourth love, Miss Trinh loves Mr. Bang.


He seemed like a match for her.


Mr. Bang is tall, white, gentle, thoughtful.

He is a resourceful businessman, he has bought his own house in the big city.


This couple has been dating for two years, then Mr. Bang asked his parents to meet Miss Trinh's parents to discuss their wedding.


The next 6 months is a good day to hold this couple's wedding.

This time, Miss Trinh lives in great happiness.


Every day, after work, she goes shopping, prepares some things for her wedding, so that the only happy and important day in her life is taken care of.



However, with less than 2 months left until their wedding, but Mr. Bang committed suicide and they couldn't save him.

Rumor has it that he has a lot of debt.

Miss Trinh broke down, she  just wanted to die.


She didn't want to eat or drink, didn't want to go out, even if she had to stop teaching.

She is like a soulless person.


Then her mother was so heartbroken that she went to see an elderly, blind fortune-teller in Binh Tan district.


He calculated the horoscope according to the date of birth of Miss Trinh, then he said:


"Miss Trinh’s fate doesn't have any marriage so she can't marry anyone who loves her."


Mrs. Xuy is a Chinese, she is a horoscope master in district 5 and also said that Miss Trinh's fate is not to get married, it seems that she is not indebted to anyone in marriage.


Miss Trinh's mother punched herself in her chest and wondered what karma she had caused in the past to make her daughter's marriage must suffer.


Since then, Miss Trinh's mother has been more diligent in going to the Buddhist temple to pray and repent to Buddha.


Then by chance, she met Mrs. Thu, nearly 80 years old, her hair is as white as the white Nylon Fishing Line, her face is very kind.


Mrs. Thu showed Miss Trinh's mother a very effective way to correct the past karma, which is to recite Avatamsaka sutra, regularly in everyone's life, that can clear the old karma.


Miss Trinh's mother thanked Mrs. Thu.

And she went to her house, advised Miss Trinh to go to the temple to repent, bow to Buddha and recite the Avatamsaka Sutra.


Miss Trinh, after teaching at the college, often brings the book of the Avatamsaka sutra to the Buddhist temple.


After bowing to the Buddha and repenting, she opened the Avatamsaka Sutra and read it by herself in front of the main hall - Buddha's hall.


Every evening, she plays videos of the Avatamsaka sutra lectures of Venerable Master HSUAN HUA to learn more the meaning of this sutra.


Miss Trinh's mother is sincere.


She asked her two nieces besides the time they went to high school, when they had free time, they should take the Avatamsaka Sutra to read and dedicate these merits to Miss Trinh, let Miss Trinh soon eliminate her past karma.


She gave them money to encourage those two children, to give them the motivation to read the Mahayana sutra, because at that age, they were very playful.



They are often lazy to read Buddha’s dharma.



It is very convenient and meaningful for her to do so, this can both dedicate merits to Miss Trinh and also give the two nieces a chance to familiarize themselves with the precious Mahayana sutra.



And she sat down to copy a few chapters of the Avatamsaka Sutra that she was interested in.


When her husband retired, she also encouraged him to read the Avatamsaka Sutra and copy the Avatamsaka Sutra.


Because according to her, the Avatamsaka sutra is a wonderful piece of literature that everyone should read and think of it.


Master Hsuan Hua also said:” Unless you read the Avatamsaka Sutra, you will not know of the Buddha's true blessings and honor. The Avatamsaka Sutra is the Buddha's greatest store of treasures. In forty chapters the sutra conveys a vast range of Buddhist teachings.”



By chance, Miss Trinh met Mr. Trien, he's 3 years older than her.


On one occasion both of them went to Vạn Thành pagoda.


Both of them sat waiting to meet the abbot of the temple to donate to this temple.


While waiting for the monk to return to this temple because he attended to chant in a funeral, Mr. Trien and Miss Trinh talked to each other and found it to be a good match.



Mr.Trien used to run a restaurant and bar business.


He indulged in debauchery, enjoyment, drinking, pleasure... but then, his business went bankrupt.


Mr. Trien lost money, lost friends because they betrayed him.


Losing faith in human love, bored with life, Mr. Trien turned to Buddhism as a place to take refuge and learn.


A few years later, Mr. Trien and Miss Trinh just got married.

At this time, both of them were old, so they did not hold a grand wedding.




Both of them just went to the Buddhist temple and begged the abbot to organize the Temple wedding ceremony in the presence of a few close relatives.


Mr. Trien also doesn't want to kill other lives such as shrimp, crabs, chickens, cows, eels, pigs, fish …on their happy day, so they only have a vegetarian party, never hold a meat party.


They invited guests with about 8 vegetarian wedding tables at a vegetarian restaurant.


Because her family is also rich, Mrs. Trinh has donated about 50 sets of the Avatamsaka Sutra, she sponsored the engraving on stone about the contents of some chapters in the Avatamsaka Sutra for a pagoda.



She hired skillful craftsmen to carve the Vairocana Buddha statue made of stone in Non Nuoc, which is a type of good stone in a locality in central Vietnam.


That stone statue is white to worship at her house.


Every day, she buys incense, flowers, candles, fruits, etc… to make offerings and prostrate to Vairocana Buddha.



Until now, every day when she comes home after working, even she is very tired and busy, but Mrs. Trinh still takes the Avatamsaka Sutra to read and recite a few pages with her husband.


They have great faith in the Buddha's teachings, especially in the Mahayana sutras.


Thus, even if the horoscope has no marriage, but by reading and reciting the sacred Avatamsaka Sutra, one can finally change one's fate.


Mrs.Trinh intends to tell her colleagues and friends so that they can have faith in the Three Jewels, know how to repent and live more honestly.


Author: MLS

Translator: MLS

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