Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 9, 2022

I praised Vairocana’s great mystery



I praised Vairocana’s  great mystery

He blessed my rough  wedding magically.

My karmic debts’re banished amazingly

He holds  us in HIS arms of  vast pity.




 Vairocana Buddha heals our trauma.

I am grateful for his blessing

Without him, without my temple wedding

He’s saved me from all my bad karmas.


I thank Vairocana’s miracles

For helping my so troubled wedding

I thought it was never happening

He's removed my bad, rough kismet.





Vairocana’s boundless compassion

Saves me from troubles of my  wedding

My karmic creditors went to Pureland

He rescues all incautious beings.




4.Vairocana helps me to repent

He comforted my karmic creditors.

They accepted to go to Pureland.

We’re grateful of His sacred power.


5. I bow to my great Vairocana,

Helped me control my karmic destiny.

Thank you, my Vairocana Buddha!

You save us from constant misery.


6. Vairocana knows all our trauma,

He healed our fearful mundane pain,

Even our harsh mental disorder,

Saved our karmic fate from the chain.


7. I thank Vairocana for the blessings,

He saved me  from my  rugged wedding,

Converted my bad fate with restful bliss,

Helped my karmic creditors release.


 8.Thanks to Vairocana’s vast wisdom

That my rough wedding finally took place

When I think of your holiness, Lord.

I  remember Your  awesome grace.


9. Vairocana helps us karmic ablution,

He is the light that guides me

We're free from pain thanks to his mercy

He’s the hand that protects us from storm.



Vairocana brings us light and hope

I just want to be always with you

All my karmic troubles removed

Whatever you lead is what I’ll do.



Avatamsaka is  miraculous

Vairocana always bless us

He is our holy Comforter

He’s always our sacred Savior.



Avatamsaka is sublime

So how much I adore it!

I must recite it daily

Vairocana constantly bless me.



Put my faith in Vairocana

I feel shame and repent my sins

Vairocana never leaves me,

Later to Pureland I’ll enter in.



Vairocana loves us all so much

For Avatamsaka tells me so

His compassion is shared through nice deeds

How  great is Vairocana’s love.



At Vairocana’s lotus throne

I bow to him respectfully

I feel his boundless mercy

I find the peace and bliss.



Vairocana sees my suffering

I take this to Buddha in prayer

In his mild arms, he protects me

My wedding happened through his power.



We believe in Vairocana

He healed our trauma inside

He saved us from our plentiful sin

Karmic debts removed, ended  strife.


18. Let’s repent and follow Vairocana

Let’s rejoice for his boundless blessings

Without his miracle, I have no wedding

I’m grateful for his vast compassion.



I thank Vairocana for answering prayer

I praise and thank Him for his healing

I  truly thank him for his blessing

I bow to his throne of lotus flower.



Vairocana gives us his healing

He takes away our suffering

He keeps us in his safe arms

All our karmic debts never more cling.



Each journey, Vairocana always watches  us

In every moment, he walks with us

He really saves us from sins, dangers

I’ll always uphold your dharma, our Savior !



I rejoice, recite Vairocana’s name

I deeply thank him, my blessed Savior!

I'm grateful for HIS mercy, favor

Avatamsaka I’ll uphold forever.



Thank Vairocana for grace to me

My karmic fate accepted to flee.

I recite your sacred name constantly

I read Avatamsaka without cease.



Vairocana’s my protector

You are my great miracle, Lord

You never leave me, my Savior

I praise you with the sincere word.



Vairocana is my spiritual guide

Without his grace, without my wedding

I repent, reform my wrongdoing,

And always uphold his precepts.



I read Avatamsaka many times

It helps us karmic scrubbing

It’s the sublime Buddha’s teaching

Vairocana, I’ll uphold it endlessly.



I read Avatamsaka to destroy karma

Now I‘ve read fifty times this noble sutra

I follow the great teachings of Buddha

Vairocana saves us from Samsara.



I praise Avatamsaka sutra

I memorize chapters eleven, forty

I’ll uphold this  sublime sutra surely

Vairocana always watches, bless me.



The weighty Avatamsaka Way- Place

I favor it and attend regularly

We practice Buddha’s dharma joyfully

Vairocana, Sudhana watch jubilantly.



My life has no longer difficulty

When  Vairocana buddha came to me

I praise Avatamsaka eternally

We worship, adore Buddha constantly.



To Vairocana I belong endlessly

He is my doctor marvelous

His Swastika is very wondrous

He fills my soul with peace and quiet.



I trust in Vairocana totally

My Savior’s lights to guide me

I’m safe anywhere through HIS presence fully

He makes my troubles finished quickly.



Vairocana, the comfort of our spirit

He heals our mental illness amazingly

He removes our fear and pain wondrously

He makes burst our chains of anguish and set us free.



Vairocana, healer of our spirit

He mends our mental disorder, depression

He heals our fear, pain and anxiety

I praise Vairocana’s salvation.



When I recite Vairocana’s name

My trauma vanished wondrously

When I read Avatamsaka holy

My mental illness healed magically.



Wherever Avatamsaka is read, there is miracle

Wherever there is Avatamsaka, there is Buddha

This holy sutra banishes all our karma

The Ocean-wide Avatamsaka Assembly of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas.”



When I chant Vairocana's name,

I was saved from troubles fervently

He always helps me sincerely

My sufferings disappeared instantly.




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