Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 3, 2019

"People smelt metal by burning the dross out of it in order to make high quality implements.
It is the same with people who study the Way:
First they must get rid of the defilements in their minds;
Then their practice becomes pure.”
Sutra in Forty-Two Sections
Section  35
“When One Is Purified of Defilements, the Brilliance Remains”
Section  38 
“Birth Leads to Death

The Buddha asked a Shramana (monk), "How long is the human life span?"
He replied, "A few days."
The Buddha said, "You have not yet understood the Way." 

He asked another Shramana (monk), "How long is the human life span?"
The reply was, "The space of a meal."
The Buddha said, "You have not yet understood the Way."
He asked another Shramana, "How long is the human life span?"
He replied, "The length of a single breath."
The Buddha said, "Excellent. You have understood the Way."
Section  22
Wealth and Sex Cause Suffering

The Buddha said,
"People are unable to renounce WEALTH and SEX.
 They are just like a child who cannot resist HONEY on the blade of a knife.
Even though the amount is not even enough for a single meal's serving, he will lick it and risk cutting his tongue in the process."

Sutra in Forty-Two Sections

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