Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 5, 2024

Praising to Avalokitesvara


1.You are like a gentle and majestic mother who enlightens us.

You have the conduct of listening;

Your eyes are gentle, you love all living beings.

With so many sufferings and accidents of all living beings, you extended Your arms to protect us.


2. Your face is as beautiful as a flower.

Kuan Shi Yin has immense love.

You rain down sweet dew and Dharma rain.

Whoever lacks love, You warmly console.


3.Guan-Shi-Yin ! You save all beings from endless suffering;

You listen to the suffering of all living beings;

Guan-Shi-Yin! You hear all the cry for help.

You manifest in a gentle mother, we keep reciting Your name.


4. Guan-Shi-Yin, Your vows are as great as the deep sea;

And Guan-Shi-Yin, your mind is kind, forgiving, tolerant.

You are a cool stream in the middle of a dry desert;

You eliminate sufferings in all realms, You are always affectionate, gentle.


Guan-Shi-Yin, You transform many bodies to save the suffering of all sentient beings;

Like the Lotus Sutra, Oh Bodhisattva Guan-Shi-Yin;

You manifest in the body of  a layman, a minister of state... to speak the Dharma.

I pray, I believe in You and I am determined.


6. Kuan Yin bodhisattva is like a gentle mother;

Drops of Sweet-Dew  remain, the willow branch is sparkling;//

Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, usually wears white clothes;

 He hears the cries of suffering and saves suffering people.

7. Kuan Yin bodhisattva  listens to all living beings;

There is a sound of suffering, He immediately protects;

Kuan Yin bodhisattva always understands and listens;

Fortunately, thanks to Guan Yin, we are peaceful and joyful.


8. These are the diligent Pure Land lotus friends.

Our path to the Sukhavati is not far;

We are determined to attend the "Pure Land Lotus Friend Association" together;

We always recite Amitabha verses.

9. Guan Yin bodhisattva is like a gentle father.

His eyes are gentle, he has compassion for suffering beings;

Bodhisattva Guan Yin sprinkles the cool sweet dew;

I would like to offer to You  the beautiful flowers in many colors.

10. Kuan Yin is compassionate; He  loves me so much.

Kuan Yin is tolerant;  He gives me the peace.

 Kuan Yin! This world has so many mistakes, sins, please have mercy.

Kuan Yin! We are determined to follow your example, we will live compassionately and kindly.

11. Please give me the beautiful lotus flowers;

I will offer  to Guan Shi Yin;

With Amitabha and Mahasthamaprapta;

These three Saints have  many great favours.


12. Please give me the sparkling candles;

I will offer  to Guan Shi Yin;

Let me see Amitabha welcome me back;

I hope to return to the incredibly beautiful Pure Land.

Guo Tu- C.T MLS


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