Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 4, 2020


When I was a kid, my mother used to take me to see fortune-tellers.
The fortune-tellers all said that I would not have the Red strings of marriage connecting my life with any man, because my destiny is like that.
My mother did not believe it, she said that the fortune- tellers said crap, said all wrong.
When I grew up, I also loved some men, but only after a while, we broke up.
I have been through 4 miserable loves .
Each time, we love each other deeply but after that, we have to break up painfully.
My mother witnessed my four painful love affairs, she sighed, she remembered the fortune -tellers' words before and felt scared.
I feel miserable, depressed, just want to kill myself and complain that God was not fair to me.
God is harsh, too harsh on me.
In horrible despair, I suddenly remembered the Earth Store bodhisattva.
I think that he vowed to save and help all sentient beings, and he would also help me, save me from this despair.
Every day, I recite the name of the Earth Store bodhisattva, read the Earth Store sutra, mantra: Om hahaha vismaye svaha…

every day I read 2 chapters in Earth Store sutra.
My mother hired a famous painter to paint an Earth Store oil painting, size 1.2mx 80cm.
This painting is very beautiful to donate to a temple.
My mother also hired a carver to carve a 2m high stone statue of Earth Store for a temple in another city.
7 months later, I met a good man while I was visiting Hualin Buddhist Temple in Guangzhou.
When I met this man, we talked about Buddhism, Earth Store, vegetarianism…. and now that we have been married for 5 months.
The Lord Earth Store has listened to me and helped us.
Actually, my husband also believed sincerely and prayed to Earth Store, he also went through four painful and broken relationships.
I write my story to thank Earth Store and advise everyone to rely on and believe in Earth Store, although in desperate and depressed circumstances, we should also rely on Earth Store.
We vowed that during this lifetime and later we will be Earth Store bodhisattva 's sincere disciples.
At this moment, I am praying Earth Store for our first child.
I am grateful that in this life I have known Earth Store and have his blessing.
in 2004,
-Story of Xiao Mei Zeng-
(This story happened in Hiroshima)
I have been praying at the Jizō Statue since 20 years ago.
My family and I still exist today thanks to the blessings of Lord Jizo.
We have received Jizō's blessings many times and below I will give some of my stories in thank for Jizō.
1.Not long after the headless Jizō statue appeared in Hiroshima, my husband had Meniere's disease.
This disease is in the ears and causes the body to gradually deteriorate.
My work has to be done by hand.
It was a dentist's profession, but I had to constantly quit my job.
At that time, there were many people in misery and often telling me about the miraculous, sacred stories of Jizō Bodhisattva that was inconceivable.
So I also intend to go there to pray (Fuchu, Hiroshima).
This is actually inexplicable medicine, but it does heal the disease.
At first, I was skeptical, but after several times I went to pray at this Jizo statue, my husband's body was much better.
While medicine cannot be cured and this prayer in Jizo is successful, no one can deny it.
I prayed in Jizō so that my daughter met a satisfied spouse, so she married this man she loved and they lived happily.
This is also something that I asked Jizō for help, so in my heart I always give thanks to him.
Therefore, I offered a zenizuka into the garden of the temple where Jizo was worshiped.
This is to repay Jizo for his help.
When I took this jackal to the Veterinarian, the vet said, "This dog should only live for about a month."
Because he lives with my family for a long time and is very cute.
But now I feel so sorry for it, so we went to Jizō to pray for this dog, at least it would be fine if he lived for another year.
Once a week, we drove this dog into the car, went to Fuchù to pray to Jizo.
At that time, many things happened to me and my dog, although the doctor said this jackal would be dead.
However, the dog lived for another year and a half, and after that it was reborn.
This is a matter of thanksgiving to Lord Jizo. Up until now, I have received many blessings from Jizo, which cannot be fully described here.
If there is anything to worry about, even at night I will run to this Jizo statue to pray.
Therefore, my existence is indispensable, needful to Jizō.
Even for anything, I prayed to Lord Jizo, then my mind sank to pay homage to Jizo.
Oh, headless Jizo statue, even after later, I ask you to bless me and help many suffering people.
Please help us, Jizo.
20th March 1998
Translated from Japanese into Vietnamese: Thich Nhu Dien
I have called to advise my son many times, but my son always refuses to get married.
From then on for 3 days, I went to worship Jizō and I prayed: "Lord, please help me with my prayer".
Thanks to the blessings of the Buddha and the bodhisattva, I feel comfortable, satisfied.
And I think that since I came to pray at Jizō statue, Lord Jizo blessed me, so my son's marriage has always been smooth, lucky.
I am working in the village, so many people know this and I am also the person who was saved by Jizō so I determined to contribute to social works.
8th March 1998
-Story of a Japanese-
Translated from Japanese into Vietnamese: Ven. Thich Nhu Dien
That day, my 32-year-old sister was on her way to work in the morning.
My sister drives really badly, so she runs very slowly, she used to ride motorbikes and recite Dizang name (Namo Dizang Bodhisattva) many times and she used to recite mantra of Dizang (Om pra mani dhani soha) all the time on the way from home to her company.
At home, she often reads Dizang sutra.
She turned left and was hit by another faster motorbike and hit my sister's motorbike, which caused my sister to fall down the road.
Then a truck came up and it ran over her body and her motorcycle.
Many witnesses shouted, everyone thought that my sister would die from the truck's run.
However, my sister's motorbike was crushed but her heart was still beating, witnesses took her into the hospital and informed my family about this.
My sister lost consciousness.
My mother went to the hospital to visit her daughter but still brought a book of Dizang Sutra, she sat in the hospital corridor and read this Dizang sutra, reading her daughter's name aloud.
4 days later the doctor after a thorough examination and allowed my sister to go home from the hospital.
My sister said that while she fell and was in a coma, she saw a monk with his hand to support her head and arms, so even if she was run over by a truck, only the motorcycle would be crushed, but the body and her head are fine.
From then on, my family learned that Dizang had used miracles to save my sister from the accident of being hit by a truck.
My sister every day reads Dizang sutra, Mantra and recite Dizang name many times.
-story of Ms. Dieu An-
Binh is a young man, he is very smart, very well-educated.
He works as an electrical technician. He often has to go to work in very remote places.
He believes in Dizang a lot, Binh often wears a necklace with pendant is a small white stone Dizang statue.
He memorized the Dizang mantra (Om hahaha vismaya Svaha).
In his office, there is a Dizang sutra book and a good wooden Dizang statue, 30cm high.
Usually, when he goes to a strange place, Binh usually recites Dizang mantra and recites Dizang’s name.
This time, his company sent him to a remote, desolate place and that night, because of fatigue, he slept deeply and well.
In the dream, Binh saw a monk holding an iron cane, the monk’s head has aura saying to him, "You must get out of this place soon".
The next morning, when he woke up, Binh had terrible abdominal pains and found it was difficult to breathe and felt suffocated.
He took his backpack and went to the hospital to see a doctor.
Binh had just arrived at the hospital when he received news that the place where he slept yesterday had been horribly flooded, the flood was very deep, swept away the house where he and 3 friends slept yesterday.
All these friends who slept in the same house with him were swept away by floods, lost their bodies.
Binh knew that he was saved by Dizang bodhisattva from that terrible flood, when Dizang appeared in his dream and advised Binh to get out of place where he was.
Thanks to that, Binh escaped death.
To thank Dizang, Binh determined to be a vegetarian forever and donated a big Dizang marble statue to a temple in the remote countryside.
In 2005,
-Story of Minh Dao Tam-

My cousin is pregnant, her name is Tan.
When she went to see the doctor, the doctor said that her fetus had a deformity in its leg.
She was panicked and cried all the time.
I heard Tan’s story from her mother.
I advise her not to worry and not be sad, she should read the Earth Store bodhisattva sutra and pray sincerely to Jizo, hoping that Jizo will help her.
She listened to me.
Every evening, after dinner, she started reading the Earth Store bodhisattva sutra and sincerely recite Jizo's name many times.
Then she prayed to Jizo to bless her children.
On the thirty-second day, it was also time for her to go to the doctor in the hospital.
After a while frowning to see and monitor the ultrasound results.
The doctor expressed surprise, he said that there was no abnormality in her child's leg.
Melting her eyes in surprise, she asked the doctor: is it true, really?
Tan did not believe her ears anymore.
She immediately called her husband to report the results that the doctor just said.
She is very excited, happy.
That evening, Tan and her husband bought fruits and flowers, then brought them to the Buddhist temple to thank Jizo for helping their child become normal and they prayed to Jizo to bless Tan and her child.
Three months later, Tan gave birth to a baby.
It is a healthy baby boy, he weighs 3.5 kg.
Her whole family is very happy.
Her husband hired a talented sculptor to carve a very beautiful, 2m high Jizo statue to donate to a pagoda in the countryside.
Since then, Tan's whole family believes in Jizo sincerely,
Every week, they read regularly Earth Store Bodhisattva sutra, recite Jizo’s name, Jizo mantra (Om pra mani dhani svaha).
I hope you can share your real stories about sacred Jizo divinities and we can study.
( Minh Huong)

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