Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 7, 2022

saha world


“Disciples of the Buddha, in this SAHA WORLD, the Four Holy Truths are explained in forty trillion names. To the east, are hundreds of thousands of millions, countless, measureless, boundless, unequalled, uncountable, inestimable, inconceivable, ineffable worlds that exhaust the Dharma Realm and the realm of emptiness. In each of those worlds where the Four Holy Truths are explained, there are also forty trillion names. By according with living beings’ thoughts these names cause them all to be tamed and subdued. As it is in the east, so too, it is in the south, west, and north, the four intermediate directions, and above and below.”

“Disciples of the Buddha, just as in this Saha world system, there are worlds in the ten directions as described above, so too, there are worlds in the ten directions in each of those other world systems. In each and every one of those worlds the Holy Truth of Suffering is described in forty trillion names. The Holy Truth of Accumulation, the Holy Truth of Extinction, and the Holy Truth of the Way are also each described in forty trillion names. And according to what living beings like in their minds, they cause them all to be tamed and subdued.”